Parents play a critical role in the education of their children. Parental involvement in its various forms positively impacts student achievement. White County Schools are committed to continuing strong partnerships with parents in the education of their children. The No Child Left Behind Act acknowledges the importance of parental involvement as well and requires that schools provide parents with a copy of the district's policy on parental involvement. For information about being involved in school activities, please contact the school's principal.
Parents play a critical role in the education of their children. Parental involvement in its various forms positively impacts student achievement. White County Schools are committed to continuing strong partnerships with parents in the education of their children. The No Child Left Behind Act acknowledges the importance of parental involvement as well and requires that schools provide parents with a copy of the district's policy on parental involvement. For information about being involved in school activities, please contact the school's principal.
School Websites
School Websites
Find specific announcements and upcoming events pertaining to your student's school at the websites below.
Esser Funds
Esser Funds
The Elementary and Secondary School Emergency Relief (ESSER) funds are given by the US Department of Education to Local Education Agencies as emergency relief funds to address the impact of COVID-19. Click here to view how White County Schools spent and how we plan to spend future ESSER funds.