Grades K-5
Elementary School Websites
Student Enrollment F0rms
For K-5 students who enter after the school year has started, or for students who are new to the county.
All new students are required to submit the following documents before attending. Documents can be submitted to the school or emailed to If emailing the documents, please include the student's name and school in the Subject.
Required Documents:
Student's Birth Certificate (Official certificate preferred, but options available)
Proof of Residence (i.e. Electric bill in your name. If you do not have a bill in your name, complete this Affidavit of Residence Form.)
Student's Immunization & Physical Form (This form must have been completed within the last year. Any student deemed homeless or foster may not be denied or delayed enrollment because of the student's lack of records.)
Custody Papers (If applicable)
Applications are considered incomplete until all required documents have been received.
Helpful Links for Parents and Students
View grades, attendance,
& other student information
Access student programs including Google Classroom, Edgenuity,& online textbooks
Additional Helpful Links
Immunization Requirement Summary (Any student deemed homeless or foster may not be denied or delayed enrollment because of the student's lack of records.)
Homework Hotline Information (Teachers are available 2pm–6pm by phone at 615-298-6636 or 901-416-1234. Online chat is open 3pm–5pm.)
White County Board of Education
Angela Fresh, Supervisor of Elementary Instruction
931.836.2229 |